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A.A. Daily Reflection

Wise Words

Posts tagged honest
A.A. Daily Reflection • September 13

September 13


Good judgment, a careful sense of timing, courage and prudence – these are the qualities we shall need when we take Step Nine.


To make amends can be viewed two ways: first, that of repairing damage, for if I have damaged my neighbor's fence, I "make a mend," and that is a direct amend; the second way is by modifying my behavior, for if my actions have harmed someone, I make a daily effort to cause no further harm. I "mend my ways," and that is an indirect amend. Which is the best approach? The only right approach, provided that I am causing no further harm in so doing, is to do both. If harm is done, then I simply "mend my ways." To take action in this manner assures me of making honest amends.


From the book Daily Reflections | Copyright © 1990 by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.